Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Center for Social and Organizational Leadership (C SOL), TISS Leadership Series Lecture

Dr Karen Dyer, Group Director for Education and Non Profit Sector Office, Centre for Creative Leadership (CCL), US conducted a session in TISS on September 1, 2007 on "Relational Leadership - The power of Perception." The lecture was a part of the ongoing Leadership Lecture Series organized by the Centre for Social and Organizational Leadership (C SOL) and the HRM & LR Forum.

Karen began with acknowledging that though leadership management and technical skills are necessary in any walk of life, it is the Relational Leadership (RL) deficit which is plaguing organizations and groups alike. RL is all about how an individual is attuned to and abreast with the intra and inter personal relationships, what perception people have of each other and what is the impact of such an association. Peppering her lecture with numerous quotes, experiences and imagery, she said, at one point: We are measured not by "what we are but by the perception of what we seem to be…Not by what we say but what we are heard….Not by what we do but how we appear to do it."

Karen said that perception is about assumptions and generalizations that people develop over the years. Whenever two people meet there are actually six people involved in the whole process : the individuals as they feel about themselves , the individuals as perceived by other and finally the individuals who they really are. She emphasized the importance of a good feedback which is pertinent for self awareness and hence development.

Karen then went on to speak about the six keystones of Relational Leadership. Number one is dominating with humility and delegating work which is important to make people feel challenged. Second is hiring good people thus eliminating the chances of deadwood. Third is building and maintaining relationships. Fourth is good, solid and transparent communication. Fifth is conflict management and the last and perhaps the most important of them all –managing change in others. She spoke about how different people perceive change differently and therefore one needs to either show a Purpose, a Picture, a Plan or a Part (Stake) to make the change "happening".

The audience included people from different backgrounds, ranging from campuses to corporations. As Karen charmed the gathering with her humor and simplicity , the energy level remained high throughout the session.

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